2022 Hurricane Season Starts Up
Photo by: The Weather Channel
By: Stephanie Abrams
Posted at 3:06 PM, May 24, 2022
and last updated 1:07 PM, May 24, 2022
Hurricane Names For 2022
Alex Bonnie Colin Danielle Earl Fiona Gaston Hermine Ian Julia Karl Lisa Martin Nicole Owen Paula Richard Shary Tobias Virginie Walter And Arlene
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — With the 2022 Hurricane Season fast approaching, The Weather Channel Team is reactivating our Hurricane latest update. You can expect a weekly breakdown of what's going on in the tropics.
While the season officially begins on June 1st, the National Hurricane Center will begin issuing Tropical Weather Outlooks on May 15th. The Atlantic Basin includes the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. So far things appear quiet across the Atlantic Basin.
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The last seven Atlantic Hurricane Seasons "began early" with storms forming before June 1st. Thankfully, it looks as though our upcoming season will break that trend.
Colorado State University has already issued their outlook for the upcoming season in April. Scientists with the university predict and above-average season with 19 named storms, of which nine will become hurricanes, four of those being major hurricanes.
The National Hurricane Center will release their official outlook on May 24th at 10 AM CDT.
An above-average season is expected on account of increasing likelihood of La Niña conditions (favorable wind shear conditions) and warmer Atlantic waters.
You can count on the Weather Channel to keep you ahead of storm brewing in the tropics. Look out for the weather channel app Hurricane Special Program, airing June 15th.